Re: 5+ hours and counting

From: Kathryn Aegis (
Date: Sun Jan 02 2000 - 17:29:26 MST

At 07:33 PM 12/31/1999 EST, Robert Bradbury wrote:
>I did a quick scan of the list mail and either Kathryn is
>from a alternate universe (slightly ahead of our time) OR
>the date on her computer is set wrong OR my mail program is
>interperting the dates on her messages in a very strange way ...
>OR ... and I hope this isn't true, perhaps its the first
>sign of Y2K sucking us all in... Aaaahhhhh...

I choose option one :^)

but it is probably the result of a manual rollover on my computer
today, as per the computer manufacturer's advice. forgot that
it would affect list mail.

Kathryn Aegis

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