../ -- stocks.html

Dear friends,

Some of the smartest people I know discuss things at C2. I find it fascinating that even there people are arguing "You're investing all wrong"; "No, you're the one investing all wrong". C2 is really intended for talking about computer programming, but a couple of investment topics have snuck in: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?BuyLowSellHigh http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?BuyAndHold

I have played a game called "Futures exchange". Fun and free. I think it helped me understand options better. http://www.worldwidewiki.net/wiki/FutureExchangeInvesting

If you want to discuss particular stocks and companies, you might find the discussion forums at http://stockepedia.com/ and http://corpknowpedia.org/ useful.

A little stock market humor: http://www.reverendfun.com/index.php?date=19980828

-- David Cary

particular stocks


some stocks I'm interested in.

(see http://quotes.nasdaq.com/quote.dll?page=charting&mode=basics&comparison=on&symbol=QQQ%60&symbol=GE%60&symbol=HD%60&symbol=APX%60&symbol=HON%60&symbol=JNJ%60&symbol=F%60&symbol=MO%60&symbol=DAL%60 ... http://quotes.nasdaq.com/quote.dll?mode=basics&kind=&timeframe=&intraday=&charttype=&splits=&earnings=&movingaverage=&lowerstudy=&comparison=&index=&symbol=AAPL&FormType=&mkttype=&pathname=&page=charting&selected=AAPL )

(see http://finance.yahoo.com/q?d=c&c=GE&t=1y&s=rhat&l=on&z=m&q=l )

// chip designers
TMTA Transmeta http://transmeta.com/
AAPL Apple
NSM National Semiconductor Corporation (NYS)

// chip users
PLMO palmOne, Inc. (NASDAQ:PLMO) (formerly the hardware division of Palm, Inc.)

// software
RHAT  Red Hat (RHAT)  http://www.redhat.com/
PALM Palm, Inc. (NASDAQ:PALM) (the PalmOS software division)

MDKFF MandrakeSoft http://www.mandrakesoft.com/company/investors/newsletter

// other stuff


[FIXME: search for NASDAQ on local web pages]


[FIXME: move local.html#interesting_companies here ???]

investment links

Stock market, ... financial ...

related local pages:


web sites: [FIXME: make separate section and comb out sites that *graph* past stock value trends ]

CD rates CD rate information

stock market information

../ -- stocks.html