eye candy

eye candy -- Pretty graphics for the sake of pretty graphics.


see also

Related pages:

Virtual Food


Give David Cary chocolate, and you've pretty much made a friend for life.

Once you gather up some virtual chocolate, then what ?

Other foods

parody: pseudo-science, pseudo-advertisement, pseudo-corporate humor

You have to have a appropriately twisted mindset to understand the humor here.

Stuff that looks like a very professional advertisement, serious piece of journalism, etc., but turns out to be tongue-in-cheek humor.

Some people call this sort of parody ``culture-jamming'' or ``hand-to-brand combat''.

See also my Mad Scientist list. It includes stuff that looks like serious science articles that turn out to be tongue-in-cheek humor.

eye candy

Pretty graphics for the sake of pretty graphics. (from serious art galleries to humorous computer graphics parodies).

see computer_graphics_tools.html

see movie.html

electronic greeting cards

[FIXME: move greeting cards sites from elsewhere to here]



comics and cartoons. web comics.

technical humor. and a little text SF.

also some religious comics.

see also pdx-b5.html for some B5 and Portland-area SF.

NanoWars http://www.erinet.com/prass/nanowars/nw.html an online comic book including nanotechnology.

Charley Parker's virtual comic book - ARGON ZARK! http://www.zark.com/

Duncan Long http://www.kansas.net/~duncan/cht.html SF Short Stories and (nonfiction) "Praise the Lord and (Please Do) Pass the Ammunition" anti-immortality. (see video_game.html#forgy )

The David Gerrold Home Page http://www.gerrold.com/homepage.htm links to The Martian Child http://www.gerrold.com/martian.htm by David Gerrold ... -- recc. Jeff Duntemann (in PC Techniques Jan 1996) mentions Jeff Duntemann and his dog, Mr. Byte ... awarded Hugo and Nebula awards.

Peter Morwood and Diane Duane http://www.ibmpcug.co.uk/~owls/ has some interesting and funny and odd links under "Miscellanea".

http://www.2meta.com/april-fools/ "an archive of net.humor" "Quanta is the electronically produced and distributed magazine of science fiction and fantasy."

3D Adventure (a 3D comic strip) http://www.dair.com/init/indexs.htm

Robotman http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/robotman/

1995 1995 1995 (I got 50 DNRC status points for putting a link to http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/dilbert in my web site.)

http://interactive.phillynews.com/comics/ "build-it-yourself funnies page"

MST3K http://sunsite.unc.edu/lunar/mst3k/mst3k.html

User Friendly: the Comic Strip http://www.userfriendly.org/

InterText: The Online Fiction Magazine http://www.intertext.com/

http://www.unitedmedia.com/ Rose is Rose (cartoon) by Pat Brady PBrady8222 at aol.com

TECH SUPPORT TALES http://www.auricular.com/TST/ [humor] mirror: Tech Support Tales http://www.dnai.com/~aherrick/TST/ http://www.completepcs.com/tales.htm Tech Support Horror Tales http://www.completepcs.com/tales.htm Tech Tales http://www.azstarnet.com/~sean/ PC Users SIG: Humor http://ncf.davin.ottawa.on.ca/freeport/sigs/computer/pc-user/humor/menu Apple/PC Humor http://www.execpc.com/mactech/Humor/index.html (comics)

Computer Jokes http://www.dreamscape.com/muffin/library/computer/index.htm

Computer Humor http://helpdeskfunnies.cyberjuice.com/jokes.htm

http://www.taponline.com/rant/download/ ??? humor

http://www.zark.com/front/comics.html a long list of other online comics.

movies DAV has seen.

[FIXME: what other movies has DAV seen ?]

My standards for movies have gone down, and I'm worried that I'm becoming de-sensitized to violence.

movies DAV hasn't seen yet,

but people have recommended to me.

Searching for movies


books where cool pictures totally dominate over the text

[FIXME: crosslink to calligraphy...]


started 1999-02-20

started 1999-02-20

Original Author: David Cary.

Send comments, suggestions, bug reports to

David Cary feedback.html

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