skeinforge_tools.analyze_plugins.export_canvas_plugins.svg ($Date: 2008/21/04 $)

SVG is an export plugin to convert gcode from float position to number of steps.

An export plugin is a script in the export_plugins folder which has the functions getOuput, and writeOutput. It is meant to be run from the export tool. To ensure that the plugin works on platforms which do not handle file capitalization properly, give the plugin a lower case name.

If the "Add FeedRate Even When Unchanging" checkbox is true, the feedRate will be added even when it did not change from the previous line. If the "Add Space Between Words" checkbox is true, a space will be added between each gcode word. If the "Add Z Even When Unchanging" checkbox is true, the z word will be added even when it did not change. The defaults for these checkboxes are all true.

The "FeedRate Step Length" is the length of one feedRate increment. The "Radius Step Length" is the length of one radius increment. The "X Step Length" is the length of one x step. The "Y Step Length" is the length of one y step. The "Z Step Length" is the length of one z step.

The "X Offset " is the distance the x word in a gcode line will be offset. The "Y Offset " is the distance the y word will be offset. The "Z Offset " is the distance the z word will be offset.

The getOutput function of this script takes a gcode text and returns it with the positions converted into number of steps. The writeOutput function of this script takes a gcode text and writes that with the positions converted into number of steps.



class SVGRepository
    A class to handle the export preferences.
  Methods defined here:
Set the default preferences, execute title & preferences fileName.
Export the canvas as an svg file.
setCanvasFileNameSuffix(self, canvas, fileName, suffix)
Set the canvas and initialize the execute title.

Get the repository constructor.
Display the file or directory dialog.

        __author__ = 'Enrique Perez ('
__date__ = '$Date: 2008/21/04 $'
__license__ = 'GPL 3.0'
absolute_import = _Feature((2, 5, 0, 'alpha', 1), (2, 7, 0, 'alpha', 0), 16384)

        Enrique Perez (