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authorBilly Tetrud <>2021-07-05 23:25:48 -0700
committerbitcoindev <>2021-07-06 06:26:09 +0000
commit2587b5be94ac70ae4c2826a7491d55b14b4bd3d1 (patch)
parentef72912c0fd82053a73099adb458d89b3cf68569 (diff)
Re: [bitcoin-dev] Unlimited covenants, was Re: CHECKSIGFROMSTACK/{Verify} BIP for Bitcoin
1 files changed, 460 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/54/9588935b4e1fbb38bd7e6303cccd26507c241c b/54/9588935b4e1fbb38bd7e6303cccd26507c241c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..130caf049
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+++ b/54/9588935b4e1fbb38bd7e6303cccd26507c241c
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+From: Billy Tetrud <>
+Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2021 23:25:48 -0700
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+To: "Russell O'Connor" <>,
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+X-Mailman-Approved-At: Tue, 06 Jul 2021 08:35:55 +0000
+Subject: Re: [bitcoin-dev] Unlimited covenants,
+ was Re: CHECKSIGFROMSTACK/{Verify} BIP for Bitcoin
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+> when people are talking about enabling covenants, we are talking about
+whether OP_CAT should be allowed or not
+Are they? Are you implying that anything that enables covenants is
+equivalent to enabling OP_CAT? Generally when I think about enabling
+covenants, I'm thinking more about OP_CTV (or some similarly specific opcode
+I wasn't able to find anything about what that is. Would you mind
+clarifying what that concept is?
+On Mon, Jul 5, 2021 at 10:20 AM Russell O'Connor via bitcoin-dev <> wrote:
+> Hi ZmnSCPxj,
+> I don't believe we need to ban Turing completeness for the sake of banning
+> Turing completeness. My concerns have always been around ensuring that
+> transaction and block validation is not unduly burdensome for nodes. So
+> for Bitcoin Script, we want to bound the amount of resources needed to
+> execute it, preferably as a linear function of weight[1], and preferably
+> have it clear what the evaluation costs are going to be prior to
+> evaluation[2]. We also want to keep Script execution as a pure function of
+> the transaction data so that nodes do not need to reevaluate their mempool
+> on every new block. For consensus purposes we prefer to have simple
+> primitive operations that have clear and precise semantics that are as
+> likely as possible to be reimplemented correctly if they are reimplemented
+> (or at least let us not make this problem worse than it already is). In
+> particular, Script needs to be easy to parse to avoid weird parsing
+> machines that lead to security vulnerabilities within node software.
+> While the above design constraints imply a prohibition on Turing complete
+> computation within a single Script, they do not imply a prohibition on
+> arbitrary, covenant-enabled computations that spans across multiple
+> transactions. Neither would these constraints prohibit some kind of STARK
+> or SNARK tapleaf version that was somehow capable of succinctly
+> representing arbitrary computations, so long as validation costs remain
+> bounded.
+> And while it is true that covenant-enabled computations could allow users
+> to put their funds at risk through weird machines that manipulate their
+> money on the blockchain, as longs as that weirdness stays at that level of
+> the abstract Bitcoin Script machine, then I suppose it is *caveat emptor*;
+> don't send your funds to random unverified Bitcoin Scripts, advice that is
+> already the case today. We can keep that potential weirdness at bay by
+> keeping Script simple, and maintaining our understanding that the Script
+> programs (like the rest of the blockchain data) are untrusted inputs and
+> they need to be validated and scrutinized before interpretation.
+> [1] In tapscript I believe all operations are linear time with the
+> exception of OP_ROLL. However OP_ROLL is still constrained by global
+> limits on stack size, etc.
+> [2] In Bitcoin Script, without loops of any kind, every opcode is
+> evaluated at most once, so counting opcodes is an easy way to put an upper
+> bound on your costs before evaluation.
+> On Sun, Jul 4, 2021 at 8:51 PM ZmnSCPxj via bitcoin-dev <
+>> wrote:
+>> Good morning Dave,
+>> > On Sun, Jul 04, 2021 at 11:39:44AM -0700, Jeremy wrote:
+>> >
+>> > > However, I think the broader community is unconvinced by the cost
+>> benefit
+>> > > of arbitrary covenants. See
+>> > >
+>> > > as a recent example. Therefore as a critical part of building
+>> consensus on
+>> > > various techniques I've worked to emphasize that specific additions
+>> do not
+>> > > entail risk of accidentally introducing more than was bargained for to
+>> > > respect the concerns of others.
+>> >
+>> > Respecting the concerns of others doesn't require lobotomizing useful
+>> > tools. Being respectful can also be accomplished by politely showing
+>> > that their concerns are unfounded (or at least less severe than they
+>> > thought). This is almost always the better course IMO---it takes much
+>> > more effort to satisfy additional engineering constraints (and prove to
+>> > reviewers that you've done so!) than it does to simply discuss those
+>> > concerns with reasonable stakeholders. As a demonstration, let's look
+>> > at the concerns from Shinobi's post linked above:
+>> >
+>> > They seem to be worried that some Bitcoin users will choose to accept
+>> > coins that can't subsequently be fungibily mixed with other bitcoins.
+>> > But that's already been the case for a decade: users can accept altcoins
+>> > that are non-fungible with bitcoins.
+>> >
+>> > They talk about covenants where spending is controlled by governments,
+>> > but that seems to me exactly like China's CBDC trial.
+>> >
+>> > They talk about exchanges depositing users' BTC into a covenant, but
+>> > that's just a variation on the classic not-your-keys-not-your-bitcoins
+>> > problem. For all you know, your local exchange is keeping most of its
+>> > BTC balance commitments in ETH or USDT.
+>> >
+>> > To me, it seems like the worst-case problems Shinobi describes with
+>> > covenants are some of the same problems that already exist with
+>> > altcoins. I don't see how recursive covenants could make any of those
+>> > problems worse, and so I don't see any point in limiting Bitcoin's
+>> > flexibility to avoid those problems when there are so many interesting
+>> > and useful things that unlimited covenants could do.
+>> The "altcoins are even worse" argument does seem quite convincing, and if
+>> Bitcoin can survive altcoins, surely it can survive covenants too?
+>> In before "turns out covenants are the next ICO".
+>> i.e. ICOs are just colored coins, which are useful for keeping track of
+>> various stuff, but have then been used as a vehicle to scam people.
+>> But I suppose that is a problem that humans will always have: limited
+>> cognition, so that *good* popular things that are outside your specific
+>> field of study are indistinguishable from *bad* popular things.
+>> So perhaps it should not be a concern on a technical level.
+>> Maybe we should instead make articles about covenants so boring nobody
+>> will hype about it (^^;)v.
+>> Increased functionality implies increased processing, and hopefully
+>> computation devices are getting cheap enough that the increased processing
+>> implied by new features should not be too onerous.
+>> To my mind, an "inescapable" covenant (i.e. one that requires the output
+>> to be paid to the same covenant) is basically a Turing machine, and
+>> equivalent to a `while (true);` loop.
+>> In a `while (true);` loop, the state of the machine reverts back to the
+>> same state, and it repeats again.
+>> In an inescpable covenant, the control of some amount of funds reverts
+>> back to the same controlling SCRIPT, and it repeats again.
+>> Yes, you can certainly add more functionality on top of that loop, just
+>> think of program main loops for games or daemons, which are, in essence,
+>> "just" `while (true) ...`.
+>> But basically, such unbounded infinite loops are possible only under
+>> Turing machines, thus I consider covenants to be Turing-complete.
+>> Principle of Least Power should make us wonder if we need full Turing
+>> machines for the functionality.
+>> On the other hand --- codata processing *does* allow for unbounded loops,
+>> without requiring full Turing-completeness; they just require total
+>> functionality, not partial (and Turing-completeness is partial, not total).
+>> Basically, data structures are unbounded storage, while codata structures
+>> are unbounded processing.
+>> Perhaps covenants can encode an upper bound on the number of recursions,
+>> which prevents full Turing-completeness while allowing for a large number
+>> of use-cases.
+>> (if the above paragraph makes no sense to you, hopefully this Wikipedia
+>> article will help:
+>> )
+>> (basically my argument here is based on academic programming stuff, and
+>> might not actually matter in real life)
+>> Regards,
+>> ZmnSCPxj
+>> _______________________________________________
+>> bitcoin-dev mailing list
+> _______________________________________________
+> bitcoin-dev mailing list
+Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
+<div dir=3D"ltr">&gt;=C2=A0
+when people are talking about enabling covenants, we are talking about whet=
+her OP_CAT should be allowed or not<div><br></div><div>Are they? Are you im=
+plying that anything that enables covenants is equivalent to enabling OP_CA=
+T? Generally when I think about enabling covenants, I&#39;m thinking more a=
+bout OP_CTV (or some similarly specific <a href=3D"
+opcode</a>).</div><div><br></div><div>&gt; OP_TWEAK=C2=A0</div><div><br></d=
+iv><div>I wasn&#39;t able to find anything about=C2=A0what that is. Would y=
+ou mind clarifying what that concept is?=C2=A0</div></div><br><div class=3D=
+"gmail_quote"><div dir=3D"ltr" class=3D"gmail_attr">On Mon, Jul 5, 2021 at =
+10:20 AM Russell O&#39;Connor via bitcoin-dev &lt;<a href=3D"mailto:bitcoin="></a>&g=
+t; wrote:<br></div><blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0px 0p=
+x 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex"><div d=
+ir=3D"ltr"><div>Hi ZmnSCPxj,</div><div><br></div><div>I don&#39;t believe w=
+e need to ban Turing completeness for the sake of banning Turing completene=
+ss.=C2=A0 My concerns have always been around ensuring that transaction and=
+ block validation is not unduly burdensome for nodes.=C2=A0 So for Bitcoin =
+Script, we want to bound the amount of resources needed to execute it, pref=
+erably as a linear function of weight[1], and preferably have it clear what=
+ the evaluation costs are going to be prior to evaluation[2].=C2=A0 We also=
+ want to keep Script execution as a pure function of the transaction data s=
+o that nodes do not need to reevaluate their mempool on every new block.=C2=
+=A0 For consensus purposes we prefer to have simple primitive operations th=
+at have clear and precise semantics that are as likely as possible to be re=
+implemented correctly if they are reimplemented (or at least let us not mak=
+e this problem worse than it already is).=C2=A0 In particular, Script needs=
+ to be easy to parse to avoid weird parsing machines that lead to security =
+vulnerabilities within node software.<br></div><div><br></div><div>While th=
+e above design constraints imply a prohibition on Turing complete computati=
+on within a single Script, they do not imply a prohibition on arbitrary, co=
+venant-enabled computations that spans across multiple transactions.=C2=A0 =
+Neither would these constraints prohibit some kind of STARK or SNARK taplea=
+f version that was somehow capable of succinctly representing arbitrary com=
+putations, so long as validation costs remain bounded.</div><div><br></div>=
+<div>And while it is true that covenant-enabled computations could allow us=
+ers to put their funds at risk through weird machines that manipulate their=
+ money on the blockchain, as longs as that weirdness stays at that level of=
+ the abstract Bitcoin Script machine, then I suppose it is <i>caveat emptor=
+</i>; don&#39;t send your funds to random unverified Bitcoin Scripts, advic=
+e that is already the case today.=C2=A0 We can keep that potential weirdnes=
+s at bay by keeping Script simple, and maintaining our understanding that t=
+he Script programs (like the rest of the blockchain data) are untrusted inp=
+uts and they need to be validated and scrutinized before interpretation.<br=
+></div><div><br></div><div>[1] In tapscript I believe all operations are li=
+near time with the exception of OP_ROLL.=C2=A0 However OP_ROLL is still con=
+strained by global limits on stack size, etc.</div><div>[2] In Bitcoin Scri=
+pt, without loops of any kind, every opcode is evaluated at most once, so c=
+ounting opcodes is an easy way to put an upper bound on your costs before e=
+valuation.<br></div><br><div class=3D"gmail_quote"><div dir=3D"ltr" class=
+=3D"gmail_attr">On Sun, Jul 4, 2021 at 8:51 PM ZmnSCPxj via bitcoin-dev &lt=
+;<a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank"=
+></a>&gt; wrote:<br></div><blockquote =
+class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px sol=
+id rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">Good morning Dave,<br>
+&gt; On Sun, Jul 04, 2021 at 11:39:44AM -0700, Jeremy wrote:<br>
+&gt; &gt; However, I think the broader community is unconvinced by the cost=
+ benefit<br>
+&gt; &gt; of arbitrary covenants. See<br>
+&gt; &gt; <a href=3D"
+ut-too-generalized-covenants-5eff33affbb6" rel=3D"noreferrer" target=3D"_bl=
+&gt; &gt; as a recent example. Therefore as a critical part of building con=
+sensus on<br>
+&gt; &gt; various techniques I&#39;ve worked to emphasize that specific add=
+itions do not<br>
+&gt; &gt; entail risk of accidentally introducing more than was bargained f=
+or to<br>
+&gt; &gt; respect the concerns of others.<br>
+&gt; Respecting the concerns of others doesn&#39;t require lobotomizing use=
+&gt; tools. Being respectful can also be accomplished by politely showing<b=
+&gt; that their concerns are unfounded (or at least less severe than they<b=
+&gt; thought). This is almost always the better course IMO---it takes much<=
+&gt; more effort to satisfy additional engineering constraints (and prove t=
+&gt; reviewers that you&#39;ve done so!) than it does to simply discuss tho=
+&gt; concerns with reasonable stakeholders. As a demonstration, let&#39;s l=
+&gt; at the concerns from Shinobi&#39;s post linked above:<br>
+&gt; They seem to be worried that some Bitcoin users will choose to accept<=
+&gt; coins that can&#39;t subsequently be fungibily mixed with other bitcoi=
+&gt; But that&#39;s already been the case for a decade: users can accept al=
+&gt; that are non-fungible with bitcoins.<br>
+&gt; They talk about covenants where spending is controlled by governments,=
+&gt; but that seems to me exactly like China&#39;s CBDC trial.<br>
+&gt; They talk about exchanges depositing users&#39; BTC into a covenant, b=
+&gt; that&#39;s just a variation on the classic not-your-keys-not-your-bitc=
+&gt; problem. For all you know, your local exchange is keeping most of its<=
+&gt; BTC balance commitments in ETH or USDT.<br>
+&gt; To me, it seems like the worst-case problems Shinobi describes with<br=
+&gt; covenants are some of the same problems that already exist with<br>
+&gt; altcoins. I don&#39;t see how recursive covenants could make any of th=
+&gt; problems worse, and so I don&#39;t see any point in limiting Bitcoin&#=
+&gt; flexibility to avoid those problems when there are so many interesting=
+&gt; and useful things that unlimited covenants could do.<br>
+The &quot;altcoins are even worse&quot; argument does seem quite convincing=
+, and if Bitcoin can survive altcoins, surely it can survive covenants too?=
+In before &quot;turns out covenants are the next ICO&quot;.<br>
+i.e. ICOs are just colored coins, which are useful for keeping track of var=
+ious stuff, but have then been used as a vehicle to scam people.<br>
+But I suppose that is a problem that humans will always have: limited cogni=
+tion, so that *good* popular things that are outside your specific field of=
+ study are indistinguishable from *bad* popular things.<br>
+So perhaps it should not be a concern on a technical level.<br>
+Maybe we should instead make articles about covenants so boring nobody will=
+ hype about it (^^;)v.<br>
+Increased functionality implies increased processing, and hopefully computa=
+tion devices are getting cheap enough that the increased processing implied=
+ by new features should not be too onerous.<br>
+To my mind, an &quot;inescapable&quot; covenant (i.e. one that requires the=
+ output to be paid to the same covenant) is basically a Turing machine, and=
+ equivalent to a `while (true);` loop.<br>
+In a `while (true);` loop, the state of the machine reverts back to the sam=
+e state, and it repeats again.<br>
+In an inescpable covenant, the control of some amount of funds reverts back=
+ to the same controlling SCRIPT, and it repeats again.<br>
+Yes, you can certainly add more functionality on top of that loop, just thi=
+nk of program main loops for games or daemons, which are, in essence, &quot=
+;just&quot; `while (true) ...`.<br>
+But basically, such unbounded infinite loops are possible only under Turing=
+ machines, thus I consider covenants to be Turing-complete.<br>
+Principle of Least Power should make us wonder if we need full Turing machi=
+nes for the functionality.<br>
+On the other hand --- codata processing *does* allow for unbounded loops, w=
+ithout requiring full Turing-completeness; they just require total function=
+ality, not partial (and Turing-completeness is partial, not total).<br>
+Basically, data structures are unbounded storage, while codata structures a=
+re unbounded processing.<br>
+Perhaps covenants can encode an upper bound on the number of recursions, wh=
+ich prevents full Turing-completeness while allowing for a large number of =
+(if the above paragraph makes no sense to you, hopefully this Wikipedia art=
+icle will help: <a href=3D"
+rogramming" rel=3D"noreferrer" target=3D"_blank">
+iki/Total_functional_programming</a> )<br>
+(basically my argument here is based on academic programming stuff, and mig=
+ht not actually matter in real life)<br>
+bitcoin-dev mailing list<br>
+<a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">=</a><br>
+<a href=3D"" =
+rel=3D"noreferrer" target=3D"_blank">
+bitcoin-dev mailing list<br>
+<a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">=</a><br>
+<a href=3D"" =
+rel=3D"noreferrer" target=3D"_blank">