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L5: First City in Space

Sony Theatres produced a 3-D IMAX movie about the first space habitat, built at the 5th Lagrange point.  This feature is now on DVD, and is available for order at Amazon and Deep Discount.

I've edited together a short little preview of this movie:

L5 wallpaper

Here is some desktop wallpaper from L5 - First City In Space.
More L5 wallpaper

More "L5" wallpaper.  At an early point of space settlement studies, it was thought that the fifth Lagrange point in the Earth-moon system might be a good location for space habitats.  Hence the title "L5".

Here's my review of the original IMAX movie and my review of the DVD.

Sony IMAX website listing.

One can order a very nice movie poster at Amazon.

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'L5: First City in Space' now on DVD !