Space settlement is a unique concept for colonization beyond the Earth.
While most thinking regarding the expansion of the human race outward into
space has focused on the colonization of the surfaces of other planets, the
space settlement concept suggests that planetary surfaces may not be the
best location for extraterrestrial colonies. Artificial, closed-ecology
habitats in free orbit would seem to have many advantages over any planetary
home (Earth included).
Most of the concepts on this webpage and in the Space Settlement FAQ are from "The High Frontier" by Gerard K. O'Neill, which is available from Apogee Books. If you would like to discuss these concepts with others, I recommend the Space Settlers maillist at YahooGroups. One has the options to either receive E-mails "live" as they are sent, receiving single digests of the day's E-mails, or receiving no E-mails at all and just reading the archives available on the web.
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