Re: MED: Practical Biomonitoring Garment

From: jeff nordahl (
Date: Fri Dec 24 1999 - 10:50:52 MST

> > > A VEST which monitors the health of its wearer...
>jeff nordahl wrote:
> > Sounds like a hypochondriacs security blanket! What a nightmare!
> > excuse for procrastination and unnecessary self awareness and
>Depends on how it is used. If we could collect the data from several
>jillion users, we could mine that data and who knows what we would
>discover. The individual user need not concern herself with the
>from the vest, but would dump it into a common datapool, for researchers
>to investigate. spike

Sounds like a fine idea. My concern was with untrained people reading their
own data, who could potentially mis-interpret it (and panic) or become
obsessed with it. That is why I suggested a perscription or possibly a
required training course before the garment could be used.

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