Re: Creation\Emulation (was Re: computers composing music)

From: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky (
Date: Wed Dec 22 1999 - 11:39:34 MST

Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:
> This is an interesting psychological phenomenon I've always wondered
> about: why is it that we often value something that is labor-inefficient
> more than the equal or superior-quality item that isn't? To value
> "real" Hendrix over a quality imitation is just snobbery, as is valuing
> a real Rembrandt over an equal-quality forgery. Screwtops make better
> wine, but no self-respecting eonophile would be caught dead admitting
> that fact. I personally would never use a clip-on tie. Why?

Shame on you! If there's any case where I suffer from that
psychological phenomenon, I've yet to encounter it. As far as I'm
concerned, my screensavers are a damn sight more beautiful than those
chips of glasslike material called "diamonds", and a damn sight cheaper.

           Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Typing in Dvorak         Programming with Patterns  Writing in gender-neutral
Voting for Libertarians  Heading for Singularity    There Is A Better Way

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