Re: something from the columbine tapes

From: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky (
Date: Tue Dec 21 1999 - 21:19:02 MST

Kathryn Aegis wrote:
> Would rather not have heard this, a detail from the release of
> the videotapes made by the two Columbine killers:
> Kleibold:
> 'We're not human any more. We've evolved one step above you.'

Remember the transhumanist mantra: Seeking to be better is good,
claiming to be perfect is bad, that's the difference and always has been.

That's also why I use the term "transhumanist", and *never*
"transhuman", to refer to Extropians and our ilk.

           Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Typing in Dvorak         Programming with Patterns  Writing in gender-neutral
Voting for Libertarians  Heading for Singularity    There Is A Better Way

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