Flirting with Death [was Re: Wired Article]

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Sun Dec 19 1999 - 11:06:01 MST

On Sun, 19 Dec 1999, Damien Broderick wrote:

> At 09:17 AM 18/12/99 -0800, Robert B. wrote:
> >Robert Freitas and I have knocked around the idea that in the coming
> >era of longevity, since "life" will be abundant, rather than "brutal
> >and brief", forms of dangerous thrill seeking behaviors will increase.
> >That may mean we never get the accident rate low enough to get 2000
> >year lifespans.
> Robert, I'm shocked! :) This is a surprisingly reactionary assessment from
> you. *Who* will be around in a mortal, vulnerable condition 2000 years
> following an antiagathic treatment? I'm with Eliezer on this, though
> perhaps more cautiously as regards timeline.
Well Damien, you are showing your erudity today. I've been through
3 dictionaries including Dorland's Medical and haven't the foggiest
what "antiagathic treatment" is.

I don't know about it being reactionary. I just get bored somedays
waiting for the "matter as software" era. I'm pining for the times
when you and Gina need souped up "Blue Gene"istants processing all
the breakthroughs so you only have to deal with the most delicious
tidbits. When the SPIKE comes, its going to be fun for a couple
of weeks, but after that it will probably settle down to being
pretty boring again.

If there are people out there that are a little further over the edge
than moi (and I'd guess thats true given things like eXtreme Sports),
then people are going to get really creative about how they chose to flirt
with death. In a Nanomed era, you are pretty much going to have to
squish your brain flat, incinerate it or put it in the beam line
at CERN. The last one could be kind of fun actually, because you
could describe it to people as your brain slowly got fried. Actually
it would be really interesting to differentiate between having the
experiences of just the proton beam, just the anti-proton beam and
being in the intersection of the proton and anti-proton beam, but I
don't think you can survive the first to try the second two.

Ok, group, we have a creative bunch out there. Lets come up with the
    "7 Nanomed Era Flirtations with Death"
If you survive all 7, you win a free trip to the Mars colony.


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