Re: Wired Article (was: META: Ideas link broken!)

From: Robert Owen (
Date: Sat Dec 18 1999 - 02:22:22 MST

Max More wrote:

> At 02:06 AM 12/18/99 +0000, you wrote:
> >Has anyone actually read the Wired Article?

While there was some ad populum journalese in the article,
I found this unobjectionable:

"The Extropians, of course, are techno-believers with boundless
faith in science's power to amp up human potential. Extro 4 is
devoted to their favorite topics: life extension, and the utopian
future they believe will come about thanks to 21st-century
advances in genetic engineering, biochemistry, and medical

When Robert is quoted as saying...

"We have to deal with human naturalists,...those people
who think it is nonhuman to live 200 years, or the religious
deathists, who have a significant amount of power by
having the key to the Pearly Gates,... and the limits-to-
growth camp, and, of course, the bureaucratic fearmongers
like the Social Security Administration!"

...I do not find this statement a sufficient basis for the
suggested "provocation of an awkward moment" nor
any intended disrespect by the writer when he mentions
Robert's "addressing the panelists as fellow warriors in a
crusade against anyone who doubts the possibility (or
wisdom) of vastly increased human longevity."

Robert M. Owen
The Orion Institute
57 W. Morgan Street
Brevard, NC 28712-3659 USA

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