SCIENCE: Leukemia Drug, Stem cells, nano

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Fri Dec 17 1999 - 14:16:00 MST

I believe Spike asked about a Leukemia Drug.

The Dec. 11 Science News, pg 372 discusses such a drug, STI-571
made by Novartis Pharmaceuticals that acts as an inhibitor of
the Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase that results from the exchange of
material between chromosomes 9 and 22.

Science, Dec. 10, pg 2050 details the NIH rules for embryonic
stem cell research. Not as favorable as some had hoped but
not completely limiting either.

Of course this will get a push from Science, Dec. 17, 1999,
pg 2238 on the "Breakthrough of the Year: Capturing the
Promise of Youth", regarding the rapid progress made this
year on stem cells research (in spite of NIH dragging their
feet and most of the funding coming from private/industry
sources). This article is very upbeat and suggests that
even partially committed stem cells may be "induced" into
becoming something else (muscle -> blood, bone -> liver, etc.).

The nano-santa, not to be outdone, shows up on pg 2056 of the
Dec. 10th Science with "Nanotubes Generate Full-Color Displays"...

Go elves!!!


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