Re: UPL: Dogs and Domestication

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Wed Dec 08 1999 - 20:06:13 MST

> [Delvieron@aol] ...had a Rottweiler who started growling and baring teeth
> when we would come too close while he had a big bone.... I first
> started sitting closer and closer to the dog while he had a bone....

Hmmm, Glen, Im glad your technique worked, but dogs are pack
animals, and they must be shown that *you* are the alpha, and that
if you want his bone, then too bad for him. I had dobermans [dobermen?]
and they had to be beta-ized occasionally. This is done most
effectively by growling and baring teeth at them. They *will* back
down. Really.

Especially if you have big male dogs, you cant allow them to get
too high an opinion of themselves. spike

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