Re: qualia

From: Brent Allsop (
Date: Mon Dec 06 1999 - 14:27:16 MST

Gamma Pi <>,

        Yes! Of what you said you think exactly like me! I too would
be interrested in other material on this topic. Here are some more of
my ideas along these lines that you haven't yet mentioned.

        Our creator isn't God, but instead our ancestors. Our
ancestors become a sacrificial "Christ" like figure. They each lived
their life to make the world a bit better place than it was when they
came into the world which eventually gave their children immortal
bodies and a glorious heaven to live in.

        So, we more or less worship our ancestors as our creators that
gave their life that we might have an immortal life. None of us could
escape from the guilt such would logically imply of us being in their
debt for what they did for us. They gave us our lives and so the only
way to repay them and relieve this logically necessary guilt would be
to find some way to do perfect history sufficient enough to bring them
all back or resurrect them.

        One good scientific source for such ideas is Tipplers: "The
Physics of Immortality". He recognizes the necessary desire future
people must have to try to bring them all back some way or another.
He describes some possible ways it might be done. Sure, it appears
impossible to recover an "information theoretically" (i.e. non
cryonically preserved) dead person today but we can hope that some day
such could be achieved by some future God some way or another, to save
us from eternal loneliness and guilt right?

        To me, this is really the one true religion. Personally, I
wish there was much more than just the Extropy Institute pushing this.
I think we should have a real church, missionaries, worship services
and everything. Our goal would be to save everyone (first via
converting others to choosing cryonic preservation and helping all get
the funds required should they desire it, like Christians try to get
people baptized...) and to achieve all things and simply never give up
until we had accomplished getting everyone everything they really

        Anyway, I love this kind of stuff. Please include me in on
any such discussions along these lines.

                Brent Allsop

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