Book: T. Rex and the Crater of Doom

Date: Sun Dec 05 1999 - 21:17:21 MST

by Walter Alvarez;

While sitting here in the delightful truckstop in the thriving metropolis of
Albert Turkey New Mexico I have been reading quiet heavily. How else does
one pass the time?

Along with my usual ration of trashy (and ocassionaly NOT trashy) Science
fiction books I have just completed "Crater of Doom"...which you have to
admit...has a catchy title.

It has to do with the K/T boundry extinction and it's causal
exterrestrial oject's (asteroid <meteor?> or comet) impact with the yucatan
penn. of mexico.

I'm sure most members on this list know more about it than i've learned from
reading the book but i found it interesting. In it was hinted that there
might be some connection between the impact and the massive volcanic
eruptions in india at approximately the same time.

What was MORE interesting is that I heard much more positive declarations of
such a connection from a member of this list (Micheal Lowrie....where are you
anyway....?????....long time no hear from) much earlier. Of Course the book
was published in 97 and I just now got around to reading it.

Micheal said that (my words to describe his explanation) a resonance focusing
effect of the siesmic shockwaves caused the volcanic event in india...the
results of the Impact AND the vulcanism combined contributed to the k/t
boundry mass extinction.

Dunno...but it's another reason i'm glad I'm a subscriber to this list..


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