Re: biological changes to make humans able to adapt to space

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Sat Dec 04 1999 - 09:22:10 MST

On Friday, December 03, 1999 10:11 PM Zeb Haradon
> I was looking at some terraforming links today, and got the idea of
> adjusting humans to space, rather then space to humans. A space suit is
> first attempt at this, but I think we could do better. Ideally, it would
> best to achieve changes which would allow us to walk around on the Moon or
> Mars unaided by a bulky suit.

Bruce Sterling's 1984 novel _Schismatrix_ has a group of "mechanists"
(humans who use hardware to augment their abilities; there are many
different types of them in the novel and associated short stories) dubbed
lobsters in which the difference between body and spacesuit has become

I also briefly go over such in "For a Free Frontier: The Case for Space
Colonization." (See my web site below. I dismiss terraforming because it
seems too expensive and less likely. However, with nanotech... But that is
almost a mantra on this list.:)


Daniel Ust

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