Re: UPL: The myth of we

Date: Fri Dec 03 1999 - 17:46:03 MST

 <<See above on the mutual respect issue. Even if this is the case, what
 Robert is putting forth is that member of an uplifted species might seek
 revenge on humans, all humans. The answer to this would quite simply be to
 neutralize those who would do this. When humans become a clear threat to
 other humans, we should not scratch our heads over moral issues, but take
 steps to prevent them from being a clear threat.>>

I'm with you there.
 <<Of course, any existing thing can be a threat, but I think you all know
 I mean here. The uplifted octopus that decides to war on humanity is
 probably going to get restrained or killed long before he or she can have
 much of an impact.>>

 <<I tend to think, too, that an uplifted species will make those few humans
 who are civilized more so and might even help to civilize the rest, since it
 will make human differences seem so much less important.>>

Good point. Humanity would be forced to confront what it really means to be
a person.

<<Also, I think the positives will outweigh the negatives. An uplifted
species whose members proved to be a continual threat to humans would most
likely be wiped out
 long before Robert and I figure out the moral issues involved. That's just
 how humans are.>>

As are most species, but we will have the advantage in numbers, even if it is
a fast breeding uplifted species. I hope the positives will outweigh the
negatives. By and large, however, I think a world with uplifted species will
be just different, no better or worse.
<< So will I.:) But again, I have yet to cage any gorillas. Som until I do,
 feel no guilt over what other humans have done. And if a gorilla wanted to
 visit the sins of others on me, it better hope it kills me first. I have no
 qualms about killing in self-defense.
 Daniel Ust >>

And let's remember, a gun takes out a lot of the disadvantage when facing a
gorilla (especially if you leave a little room between you).

Glen Finney

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