Re: META: Dead horses

Date: Fri Dec 03 1999 - 10:32:12 MST

<< "I have always wanted to do a lot of things: to learn to write calligraphy
 well, to develop huge artificial life simulations/universes, explore the
 and the universe, teach and interact with children, compose grand
 symphonies, invent better ways to think and perceive the world, cook and
 eat delicious food, gather information into useful patterns, dedicate myself
 to studies in the occult, medicine, theoretical physics, nanotechnology
 Obviously I can't do all this..."
 BUT WAIT: "The solution seems to be borganisation. If I could create/
 become a copy-clan where each individual was an individual derived from me,
 and at the same time was linked into a kind of collective consciousness
 where skills, experiences and ideas could flow freely, then I could do
 everything (well, almost everything; I would have to wait for the Far Edge
 Party..." >>

This sort of mind clone borganism would be completely acceptable to me, as
long as any dividual had the right to leave the collective if he so desired.

Glen R. Finney
A Borganism of One

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