Re: Uplifting II

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Fri Dec 03 1999 - 08:02:54 MST

On Thursday, December 02, 1999 7:10 PM Glen Finney wrote:
> A human mind in an octopus body is a bit more extreme than what I had in
> mind. I was thinking more of a merging of human (or should that be
> posthuman?) and octopod brain architectures. The body I imagine could
> more or less the same (just adjusted to support the increased brain size).

Strictly speaking, that would not be uplifting, though it might be an
interesting project in itself.

However, I think this would be much harder than just uplifiting octopodes
and it's fraught with moral issues, since we already know (or believe:)
humans are sentient. The jury is still out on octopodes.:)


Daniel Ust

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