Re: NANO: Custom molecules (gulp!)

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Sun Nov 28 1999 - 11:13:27 MST

D.den Otter <> wrote on Sunday, November 28, 1999
12:27 pm:
> Even then the nanites would just drift around, not really
> doing much. In the meantime we'd be working hard on
> uploading our Martian (or whatever) base.

A random, off-topic thought occurred to me in response to this.

It seems that most of the vocal opinion on this list is against the people
protesting the genetic engineering of foods. Most comments seem to think
that their fears of technology destroying the planet are absurd. Then, on
another topic, most of the vocal opinion feels that nanotech will destroy
the earth, and that we should escape off-earth to avoid the catastrophe. We
denigrate the people who want to ban genetic engineering and cloning, yet we
want to be safe in our off-earth base where nanotech capable of destroying
us would not exist.

We may have more in common with the Luddites than we thought, in terms of
survival strategy. The only difference is that we may have a better view of
which technologies are likely to destroy the earth.

Harvey Newstrom <mailto://>
Author, Consultant, Engineer, Legal Hacker, Researcher, Scientist.
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