Re: NANO: Custom molecules (gulp!)

From: John Clark (
Date: Sat Nov 27 1999 - 15:08:18 MST

Spike Jones <> Wrote:

>Eliezer, let me make sure I understand your theory. If humans
>develop nanotech before the singularity, then the notion is that
>it will get away from us by some means, and we all die from
>grey goo?

Nanotechnology will certainly bring on a singularity but not all
singularities are the same. A gray goo accident is pretty singular
but that's not my greatest concern, deliberate abuse is. Eliezer will
correct me if I misrepresent him but I think his point is it would be
safer (for who?) if AI were developed before Nanotechnology
because then an intelligence greater than human would be around
to manage this awesome new force. Perhaps he's right, but
personally I'd like to see both fields develop as fast as possible
and may the best man win. The singularity will be a very dangerous
time and may well kill me but I'm willing to take my chances with it.
I'll tell you one thing, I'd really hate for it to arrive the day after I die
of old age, nobody wants to be the last man to die in a war.

        John K Clark

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