Re: Selfishness vs Altruism; an outdated dicotomy?

Date: Sat Nov 20 1999 - 22:45:06 MST

In a message dated 11/20/1999 9:35:44 AM EST, writes:

<< Glen, I can't add one thing to this -- you've summmed up my own personal
 ethical and social philosophy just about exactly.
      Greg Burch <>----<>
       Attorney ::: Vice President, Extropy Institute ::: Wilderness Guide -or-
                          "Civilization is protest against nature;
                   progress requires us to take control of evolution."
                                            Thomas Huxley >>

Greg, thanks. Coming from you that is a very great compliment. I have read
your essay on Extrosattvaism several times and have always found it a
remarkable work which has a great deal of resonance with my own personal
ponderings on ethics.


Glen Finney

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