10,000 gigabytes in a sugar cube

From: Doug Skrecky (oberon@vcn.bc.ca)
Date: Fri Nov 19 1999 - 09:53:22 MST

 The November 17,1999 edition of the Globe and Mail had an
interesting article on a new 3-dimensional optical storage
technology, which promises to offer 10,000 gigabytes
(10 terabytes!) in a cubic centimeter. Currently a U. of T. group
has produced a working model which packs 1,000 gigs of
write-only memory in a cube. They are working to up this by
a factor of ten, and also plan to upgrade to read/write memory.
  I would have guessed we might have to wait for 50 years for
this kind of memory storage. It now looks it could be available
in as little as 5 years!

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