Re: "Evil Transhumanism" [PLEASE READ!]

Date: Fri Nov 12 1999 - 10:55:23 MST

In a message dated 11/12/1999 2:45:09 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< I urge us to take the evil transhuman page with a cool sense of
 humor. god knows, *we* have slain a few sacred cows on
 *our* chat site, all while suppressing gleeful laughter. {8^D
 Lets cut em some slack. Actually, I detect some actual attempts
 at subtle humor in there. {8-] spike
    Definitely Spike, he was not about to argue a case that he has no passion
for defending. This guy could obviously care less. I completely caught the
humor in the complete irony of the situation and he was playing it up too
intending us to get a big laugh at it. I found his reply to be disarming and
disengaging. I hope that it sparked his interest though and that he does
attend the next Extro.


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