ifeminists.com: 21st Century Feminism

From: Technotranscendence (neptune@mars.superlink.net)
Date: Fri Nov 05 1999 - 20:16:08 MST

Thought this might be of interest, even though the feminism debate has died


Daniel Ust


Wendy McElroy
(519) 986-4266.
FAX (519) 986-4413

ifeminists.com: 21st Century Feminism
CHICAGO - With the opening of ifeminists.com today
 (http://www.ifeminists.com/) , the women's
 movement takes a giant step forward into 21st Century Feminism.
 In recent years, American feminism has come to be associated with anger
 toward men who, as a class, are viewed as the political enemy. Many
 feminists have attacked the sexual choices of adult women who enjoy
 consuming and posing for pornography. Others have called for the government
 to impose affirmative action policies and speech codes. Some feminists even
 want to ban new reproductive technologies that offer hope to infertile

 "ifeminists.com smashes the feminist stereotypes," says Wendy McElroy, the
 site's editor and an internationally recognized leader in the individualist
 feminist (ifeminist) movement. "A new generation of women are facing the
 millennium. They deserve a new feminist paradigm that celebrates the
 diversity of their choices and the wonders that technology can offer to
 them. ifeminists.com is an on-ramp to this new way of thinking about
 feminist issues."

 "Freedom and choice do not threaten women. Government and orthodoxy do,"
 says McElroy. "Pornography and prostitution? Let women do what they want to
 with their own bodies. Verbal sexual harassment? If women want an equal
 right to explore their own sexuality, they risk encountering the offensive
 sexual attitudes of others."

 ifeminists.com invites women and men to come online to socialize, to learn,
 and to explore a wealth of information. The site offers an Introduction
 section that includes a "Frequently Asked Questions" page and an "Are you
 ifeminist?" quiz. For the activist, the Interaction section offers a
 directory of the site's members, an interactive message board, and a live
 chat room. For scholars and students, the Information section features a
 comprehensive and constantly expanding database of hundreds of
 feminist resources.

 Visitors are invited to become members of ifeminists.com for free. Of the
 first 1,000 people to register during November, 200 will be randomly
 selected to receive a complimentary audiotape recorded by Wendy McElroy.
 controversial speech critiques policies such as affirmative action and laws
 against sexual harassment.

 ifeminists.com is a project of The Henry Hazlitt Foundation, a
 non-profit organization that produces Free-Market.Net: The Freedom Network.
 McElroy is the author of books including "XXX: A Woman's Right to
 Pornography" (St. Martin's, 1995), and, most recently, "Queen Silver: The
 Godless Girl" (Prometheus, Dec. 1999). She has been published in magazines
 as diverse as National Review, Penthouse, and Marie Claire.

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