Re: The Unfathomable

From: Lee March (
Date: Thu Nov 04 1999 - 09:25:52 MST

M. E. Smith wrote:
> First of all, I wasn't talking about God, I was
> talking about "God", the meme (or set of memes). You
> seem to be talking about the actual things. Your above
> analogies are not valid for this reason. To use the
> first on your list, obviously the meme "war" is as
> useful as the meme "earthquake", even though both
> refer to destructive things.

There is only god the meme.

> While I do acknowledge that this list is a valid place
> for freethinkers to vent their frustrations about
> religios irrationality, this is just what I mean by
> people getting angry and abusive. It's very strange
> that the "God" meme gets you so upset. What, in your
> opinion, is the SECOND most destructive concept
> unleashed on man by man?

My vent is not against just religious irrationality, it is about all
irrationality. Relegion and the god concept just happens to be the one
we are talking about and is such an excellent example.

While I did mean to sound angry in my post, I did not wish to be abusive
to you, but rather to the concept being discussed.

Second most destructive cocept; communism.


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