Women, Feminism

From: Rob Harris (rob@hbinternet.co.uk)
Date: Thu Nov 25 1999 - 08:48:20 MST

> The male sex drive indirectly does alot of good for
> women (besides the
> obvious direct part). If we diminished it we would
> loose the female power to
> bend men to the will of women.

Wow! I am absolutely astounded that a feminist realises this!
So what's all this "men rule the world and oppress women, even today" crap
we so often hear? Yeah, men have always done the work in the
ruling/administration department, but the women have -quite literally-
always had 'em by the nuts. Just a tiny piece of evidence for this is the
two-generation long revolution to equality. Suffragettes, then before you
can blink an eye (in a historical timeframe), equality. The reason? The new
suffragette drive was SERIOUS. The structure of western society was such
that women could unite and make clear their demands. Of course at first, the
men would have tried to put the dampeners on it, but rest assured, the new
generation of boys will change everything by wholeheartedly accepting the
women's terms. After all, how are they going to get laid if they express
opinions that turn the whole of womankind against them? So there we have
it - the women want it, the historical conditions allow for unity through
communication, then they get it - radical changes almost instantaneously.
Nice one.


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