Fwd: MNT & Space Dissertation Delayed

From: Max More (max@maxmore.com)
Date: Sun Oct 31 1999 - 21:47:56 MST

>From: "Thomas L Mc Kendree" <tmckendree@notes.west.raytheon.com>
>To: max@maxmore.com
>Please forward this to the Extropian list.
>Thank you,
>Tom McKendree
>An update on my dissertation. It is going to be larger than I had
>expected, and is thus going more slowly than I had hoped. Thus, the
>defense will *not* be on the preliminarily planned date of November 17,
>but some time next year. As the topic is one of extropian interest, I
>will let everyone here know when that defense is scheduled.
>Thank you to those who are interested, and especially to those who
>have volunteered to review sections.
>Tom McKendree

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