Re: Sleep

Date: Sat Oct 30 1999 - 19:00:31 MDT

    The only "cure that I have ever heard of for sleep that is available
right now is to eat less, much less. There is a guy by the name of Wliey
Brooks who seems like more of a nut case than anything else but he apparently
hasn't eaten in years. I have heard of people who have done this before.
When I was in Bavaria last year my cousin took me to the grave of Terese
Nueman, a woman who will probably be sainted by the Catholic Church in years
to come, and it has been very well documented that she had fasted for years
at a time. There have also been a number of other Catholic saints that have
supposedly gone for years without food and survived only on Communion wafers
once a day or once a week. How much truth there is to this I don't know but
I think there could be something to it scientifically.
Here is the guys web site if you want to check it out.

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