Re: "Web-mediated SETI": Dr. Allen Tough Replies

From: Dr. H. Paul Shuch (
Date: Sat Oct 30 1999 - 04:47:01 MDT

>> ==============================
>> Claude J. Bauer <> said:
>> >Are there really scientists who believe that ET monitors the Web
>> >and would respond to an invitation posted there? Frankly, I find that a
>> >little bizarre...
>> ============================
>> The simple answer is, "Yes, 60 of them". Check out their credentials at
>> _______________________________________
>> Allen Tough

As one of the sixty, let me add:
        Bizarre? Perhaps. No, I don't "believe" anything; I merely hope. I'm
not so sure that ETI monotors the web. In fact, I find it highly unlikely
that such signals could be decoded, and interpreted, even if monotored.
But I could be wrong! Dr. Tough's 'Invitation to ETI' is a cheap and
painless way to attempt contact. If I'm wrong, and we don't make the
attempt, I'll feel pretty foolish...
        More important than the message content to ETI is that Allen's effort is a
profound message of optimism to our fellow Earthlings. In that light, how
can we not support it?

H. Paul Shuch, Ph.D., CFII, FBIS
Executive Director, The SETI League, Inc.
433 Liberty Street, PO Box 555
Little Ferry NJ 07643 USA
voice (201) 641-1770; fax (201) 641-1771
Project Argus station FN11LH

"We Know We're Not Alone!"

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