Re: Reincarnation, Was Tao of Physics - fun claptrap (was religion bashing)

Date: Sat Oct 23 1999 - 14:59:06 MDT

In a message dated 10/23/1999 11:29:53 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Yet, sounds like lunacy if they claim there is a next life
 The Universe is yet young, by the limited understanding of most
 So if organization and technology continue in a punctuated evolution-fashion
 over the next 10-20 trillion years; no doubt many things utterly ludicrous
 today will be 'plausible. No guarantees, tho'.

Just because we can fantasize about reincarnation does not make it plausible.
We can say "someday we may find out the moon is made of cheese", but it won;t
make the moon any more cheesy than it really is.
I see absolutely no reason to believe in an afterlife. None. Zero. Worse, if
it was true, it is of no use if we can't remember it, so what's the point of
this fantasy anyway?

Tao de Ching never says anythign about that, someone just interjected it
randomly I believe.

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