Re: Sociopaths (was Re: Reforming Education)

From: Clint O'Dell (
Date: Mon Oct 18 1999 - 21:34:09 MDT

Anders Sandberg wrote:
>As a neuroscientist, I immediately think "Aha! Frontal lobe
>dysfunction!" when I read the descriptions of antisocial personality
>disorder. Most likely they suffer from bad programming (due to
>upbringing and/or biological causes) in the frontal systems of
>foresight, impulse control and social intellince. Unfortunately it is
>likely hard to fix.

As a neuroscientist, wouldn't you think it's they way this person reasons
that makes him/her a sociopath? I wouldn't think lack of play, emotional
abuse, or lack of love would "damage" any part of their brain. Instead it
would program it differently than the "social norm". The fix for this
should be simply to discuss reasons for doing or not doing anything. Find
out where they're associating their reasoning and then feedback some

-Clint O'Dell

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