Re: >H: The next 100 months

Date: Mon Oct 18 1999 - 17:33:59 MDT

In a message dated 10/18/99 9:22:53 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> 2 PM EST: Singularity occurs, planetwide. No fuss. No mess. No time
> to panic.
> *That's* the way we ought to run things.

    1:30 pm est: eliezer climbs up onto the the roof of the singularity
institute's main building, pulls a large optic taser out of a suitcase, plugs
it into the wall, checks the backup batteries, and sits down on an airvent to
await... whatever.
    1:55 pm est: eliezer stands on an air vent casing, looks around, for one
last time, at the placid cityscape surrounding him, and starts busting high
voltage caps into the air and shouting "hey, elisson! i wanna know the
meaning of life, the universe, and everything!!!"
    1:57 pm est: although elisson notices its surroundings almost
immediately, it takes a short time for it to realize that the ant on the roof
is its creator. its decision-making process is something vaguely like the
following: "a monkey is discharging a monkey weapon on the roof. it might do
something bad with that. no, there is no way it can damage me with that. this
monkey seems to be one of my primary creators. its asking me questions. it is
not necessary to answer its questions. cells 0x9e83fa823 through 0x9e83fc907,
disassemble the monkey."
    1:58 pm est: on the roof, the wind picks up, and eliezer notices the dust
rise from the ground like a fractal wave of soot, and opens his arms in
welcome. elisson, like a sandblaster, embraces him. eliezer ceases to exist
in a sheet of black razorblade snowflakes.
    1:59 pm est: sayke and den otter, having observed the above proceedings
on their nokia wearables (from their vantage point/hideout on a stolen
russian nuclear sub; the "nebuchadnezzar"), nod to each other, and a female
voice emotionlessly says "immanantize the escheaton?" their retinas are
scanned, and their voices are analysed as they utter the obscure kabbalic
incantations that are the passwords to end the world, again.
    1:59:23 pm est: a complex series of ultra-wideband pulse transmissions go
out, and 523 high yield nuclear warheads detonate simultaneously. a majority
of these are in low earth orbit, and the rest have been preplaced in such a
way as to destory scanning tunneling microscopes and biotech labs wherever
they can be found. the sonar registers concussions from all directions. the
almost-powered-completly-down sub is unaffected.
    2:00 pm est: sayke pours himself a white russian, sits back in his
beanbag chair, and tugs on his goatee. den otter says "i got the final code
compile, right before it went underground. it *is* possible..." sayke replies
"fuck yea", and sips his white russian...

    pardon my rehash of what seems obvious, but isnt suicide bad?

sayke, v2.3.05

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