Re: Bioplague [has Tom Clancy spoilers]

From: Duane Hewitt (
Date: Sun Oct 10 1999 - 06:08:32 MDT

> Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 12:22:08 -0700 (PDT)
> From: "Robert J. Bradbury" <>
> Subject: Re: Bioplague [has Tom Clancy spoilers]
> You would be able to do it with nanobots because you can do "nuclear
> abortions" (removing all the existing DNA from the nucleus of a cell
> and replace it with new DNA).
> Robert

You could actually swap genomes today using nuclear transfer as per
Dolly if you had the genome coded and ready. There would not be much
point though because your new organism would be based on the blueprint
of the introduced genome and the only differences that might arise would
be due to genes coded in the mitochondria.

BTW what if you could deliver a protein to every tissue of the body via
an aerosol. Sound like science fiction or future nanotech? It is
possible today through protein transduction. This breakthrough
technology is being developed as an AIDS therapy and as a tool for basic
research. If you would like to learn more about it swing on over to

Duane Hewitt

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