Coming up in THE TRANSHUMANIST, No. 1

From: Kathryn Aegis (
Date: Wed Oct 06 1999 - 19:35:00 MDT

The inaugural issue of THE TRANSHUMANIST will be distributed in
Mid-October. Subscribers can look forward to:

'Transhumanism Meets Futurism' by Anders Sandberg
Anders describes his recent encounter with Wider Futurism at the World
Future Society's Ninth General Assembly and describes the relationship
between mainstream futurism and transhumanism.

'Why We Need the Luddites' by Kathryn Aegis
Even people who smash computers just want to be loved. Kathryn offers
a few reasons why transhumanists can look at the neoluddite proponents
in a positive light.
THE TRANSHUMANIST is distributed by email subscription. (Future plans
include archiving onto a web site or producing a print anthology).

To subscribe, or to discuss a possible submission, please write to
Kathryn Aegis at <>.

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