Re: Should we be developing nonlethal meansofself-defense?(wasre:violence)

Date: Tue Oct 05 1999 - 06:19:19 MDT

In a message dated 10/3/1999 3:36:53 PM EST, writes:

<< What we need is that someone actually tests the concept
 (as a whole), only then can we be sure. We've only got
 "circumstantial evidence" so far.>>

     Agreed. It was just nice to have some practical experience thrown into
the mix.
<< Actually, tasers and stun guns are quite effective against even
 relatively heavily clothed targets (check out the Airtaser FAQ on
 their web page,, for example), so this
 shouldn't be a problem with UV tasers either.>>

     This may be a case where we need to do some testing to verify whether
certain types of dress may be a problem or not.
 <<Perhaps, but let's not write the idea>> of UV lasers <<off before some
actual testing.>>

     Again agreed. I really think I was off when I wrote this post,
<< Foams are basically just too slow, messy, wind-sensitive and
 potentially dagerous (if you hit someone full in the face he could
 easily suffocate) to be of much use for nonlethal self-defense.
 Also the gun would probably be too big and heavy to carry
 around (you need a lot of foam, and hence a heavy high-
 pressure canister).>>

     Everyone pretty much in agreement that foam weapons aren't a good choice?
<<Sonic weapons on the other hand might have more potential:
 There's some info about other nonlethal (military) projects too, like
 the Pulse Wave Myotron, "flu guns" & electromagnetic weapons]
 "So-called acoustic or sonic weapons, like the ones in the
 aforementioned lab, can vibrate the insides of humans to
 stun them, nauseate them, or even "liquefy their bowels
 and reduce them to quivering diarrheic messes," according
 to a Pentagon briefing. Prototypes of such weapons were
 recently considered for tryout when U.S. troops intervened
 in Somalia. [...] Scientists are also trying to make a sonic
 cannon that throws a shock wave with enough force to
 knock down a man".>>

    Sonic weapons might be a good way to go if they can get good
directionality without having to have something huge as a weapon. If the
problem of fine-tuning the intensity to quickly get the desired result
without going overboard and causing damage can be solved as well, this may be
an interesting possibility.

Glen Finney

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