Re: CRYO: Reanimation options

Date: Tue Oct 05 1999 - 03:52:26 MDT

In a message dated 10/4/1999 8:49:08 AM EST, writes:

<< We agree on the choice, but I'm more ambivalent on the consequences.
 I think uploads will really miss meat bodies for a long while.
 The upload world will be alien and weird in many ways. An analogy
 is how the poor went to the cities while the old-money stayed in the
 country. The city was alien, less comfortable, and less healthy,
 and so the rich preferred to stay in the country. But many poor went
 where the jobs were, in the city. So did the rich who understood that
 the cities were where the future lie.
 I think the life of an upload will be far more alien that city life
 was long ago for country bumpkins. For perhaps a long time, there will
 be no upload children, and the modeling of all the ways in which
 our bodies influence our minds will be crude and wanting. It will be
 like living on the edge of insanity in many ways. But I think it is
 where the future lies, nonetheless. >>

    I think the key here is to provide a new upload with the same quality of
sensory input as they had as a biological, and with access to cherished
environments (or near-emulation quality simulations of them. If the upload
comes to consciousness with all their old senses seemingly intact, in an
environment familiar to them, there is likely to be less shock. As they grow
used to their new situation, new abilities and sensory options could be
introduced to them. A vital element to the upload's well-being would be the
preservation of the ability to have "normal" social interactions with others,
especially anyone currently conscious whom they had feelings for. For
example, if you had a lover still in the biological world, it would probably
do you a world of good to have an android body (whether your "mind" was run
on hardware inside or outside the body would be irrelevant as long as it did
not effect sensation and control) that your lover would find just as or more
attractive to interact with as your previous biological body was.
Alternatively, if you had loved ones who were also uploads, you would want to
be able to interact with them in simulations which allowed you to feel like
you were doing the things you loved to do when in the flesh just as well or
better than you could in the "physical" world. With time, you may explore
your new capabilities as an upload, and even come to prefer them to the old
ways, but I think it would be fairly easy to adjust to being an upload if you
were able to start out that way. Sorta like moving to the suburbs before get
an apartment in Manhattan.

Glen Finney

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