Professor hopes to clone mammoth

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Mon Oct 04 1999 - 11:35:07 MDT

Perhaps doctors could clone cryo patients before reviving them.
--J. R.

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. (AP) - It sounds like a movie plot come to life: A
Northern Arizona University geologist aims to excavate and clone a
woolly mammoth from DNA. Larry Agenbroad concedes that cloning the
animal is unlikely. Still, he says biologists remain optimistic and
he is excited about the project. Agenbroad is part of an
international team of scientists whose first task is to cut the
cloning candidate - the likes of which roamed the earth about field.
The adult male mammoth, estimated to be about 40 years old when it
became frozen, was found by a 9-year-old nomadic reindeer herder in
1997. It's been named Jarkov, after the boy's family.

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