Re: Extropian Views

Date: Thu Sep 30 1999 - 12:44:54 MDT

In a message dated 9/30/1999 11:05:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< If I have offended anyone by my words I apologize. I hoped to gear an
intellectual discussion. Obviously when confronting someone else's belief
system, emotions come into play. Please do not flame me. I consider my life
journey to be Extropian but I perceive myself to differ in the areas
previously mentioned. How do others view these concepts??

I am not an objectivist, and I totally support your views, however others may
Uploading and objectivism are only part of the picture. No requirements for
membership, (other than than you are attracted to a positive view of
technology and aren't particularly superstitious... probably).

What I am attracted to is Extropic Art, life extension and positive optimism.
Cryonics and uploading don't thrill me. But I love science and art so here's
a playing field where the both shall meet!!

The objectivists are very vocal and share a need for rational thought and
certainty that I find unlike my nature. ( Muse =
-liberal-not-always-rational-and-emotionally-rambunctious person) Yet I have
given the objectivists, libertarians and the hard science thinkers a good
listen and I don't trash their views or scoff at them. They at least are
"thinking people". And I love thinking people...

You are wise to say" don't flame me" - judging by the tone of this list, but
most of the Extropians I know personally are rather polite. : - )

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