ENUFF ALREADY!!! ( was 80 char. was )Helper space robot/Netiquette 80

From: QueeneMUSE@aol.com
Date: Wed Sep 29 1999 - 11:07:11 MDT

In a message dated 9/29/1999 9:30:12 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
random@qnet.com writes:

<< Et cetera ad nauseum... if something is worth passing on to the mailing
 list, isn't it worth a few minutes of the poster's time to clean up the
 formatting? >>

that Robot post was mega INTERESTING!! The posts about 80 characters is NOT.

think about this for a second. - You guys are cluttering up the list with
nine hundred posts about list clutter.
( = : 0 sznort)

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