Re Netiquette 80

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Wed Sep 29 1999 - 07:47:47 MDT

From: Spike Jones <>

>>Brian D Williams wrote:

>> I would just like to point out that those who are posting in
>> excess of 80 characters per line have less than the complete
>> attention of the list.

>If you hit reply on a 80+ character per line message, a new
>window appears formatted to 80 per. At least this Netscape
>program works that way. Kathryn's comments are worth
>the extra keystroke. {8-] spike

Hi Spike,

I use an ole 386/sx20 machine with DOS 5.00.409c beta and WIN 3.1
to do mail with. I telnet to the corporate firewall, then to the
WELL in Calif and then to the world. I read mail with the shareware
utility LIST, and edit with WordPerfect 5.1.

I use my Thinkpad and Sparc 20 for better things...... ;)

I agree that Kathryn's posts are usually worth hitting the right
arrow key for..... I noticed she changed her format right away,
although she wasn't the only one in "long" format..... ;)


Member, Extropy Institute,
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