Women, fire, and dangerous things

From: David Lubkin (lubkin@unreasonable.com)
Date: Mon Sep 27 1999 - 16:49:13 MDT

On 8/20/99, at 2:33 PM, Robert J. Bradbury wrote:

>Do you want to be killed because you don't eat the eye-of-the-sheep
>when it is offered to you at a dinner in some part of Arabia because
>you don't realize it is an honor?

A gentleman is someone who is never *accidentally* rude. I hope all
of us on the list would strive to be gentle (at least when posting to the list).

I wonder how many of the comments that Kathryn says drove women away
were intended to be as offensive as they were apparently perceived.

For travellers, writers, and omnivorous readers, I recommend:

_Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands: How to Do Business in Sixty Countries_

It includes cultural overviews, behavior styles, negotiating techniques,
protocol, and business practices. (Indonesians often consult astrologers,
and delay signing papers until a "lucky" day arrives. Romanians shake
hands constantly.) The amazon link has pointers to several other books
on similar subjects.

On a related topic, there are several equivalent books for religions practiced
in the US. The one I've seen is --

_How to Be a Perfect Stranger: A Guide to Etiquette in Other People's Religious Ceremonies_

-- David Lubkin.


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