Re: Spam control

From: Craig Presson (
Date: Mon Sep 20 1999 - 15:59:42 MDT

--- wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Sep 1999 09:42:14 -0700 (PDT) "Lee Daniel Crocker"
> < (none)> writes:
> > > Would it not be possible to stop the spam on this list by setting
> > > majordomo to reject posts from any address which is not in the
> > list of> > addresses subscribed? Wherever this spam is coming from, it
> is
> > almost> > certainly not from an address signed up to the list. And if
> it
> > is, that> > address could be deleted from the subscription list.
> > Doesn't help. I manage 5 mailing lists, most of which have this
> > setting, and they get no less spam than the others. Spammers are
> > crafty buggers--they won't let simple countermeasures get in their
> > way. They just use automated software that creates bogus send
> > addresses, subscribes them to the list, sends mail, then removes
> > any trace that the address ever existed so there's no one to
> > complain to.

On the mailing lists I run, closing the list to non-members has stopped what
little spam we get -- it bounces to the list owner. I guess we haven't attracted
any crafty spammers yet.
> I am on several mailing lists, and I have never gotten any
> spam through any of those lists, in thousands of messages. I don't know
> how onelist stops it, but whatever they do seems to be very effective.
> Since onelist is free of charge, I wonder if it might not be a good idea
> to move the extropians lists to This can be done without
> the current subscribers having to re-subscribe; they can all be
> re-subscribed by the list owner in one operation.

I just moved all my majordomo lists to onelist, since I'm getting off the ISP
that was hosting them. You avoid spam at the cost of seeing an ad with each message,
choose your poison. Onelist has a lot of nice features, though ...

> > This setting does, however, make it tricky for folks like me who
> > get on the net from several different access points to send mail
> > to the list from some of them (my postings often come from
> > "" even though my real address is
> > ""). That's a minor annoyance, and I (and others)
> > can work around it, but it's an example of how security can get
> > in the way of legitimate use.
> I would think that a person who uses several addresses habitually could
> subscribe each of them, but perhaps there is some reason why that would
> be inconvenient, like getting the same messages at all the addresses.

That's the problem with majordomo, but with some of the other list servers, including
onelist, you can set "nomail" mode on all but the primary. So when I'm using a webmail
thingie to read email, I can also reply.


I use this address only when I am away from home. I have
reply-to set to and I read email sent to that
address from here, so please don't use the yahoo address.

Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

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