Re: The King's Fine Clothes (was Re: extropian memes in business week)

Date: Mon Sep 20 1999 - 14:54:31 MDT

In a message dated 9/20/1999 1:31:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 The history of the alt.extropians newsgroup is complex and we won't go into
it here, just yet, but it was decided early on by the people who
established the extropians mailing list that it
 would be a "safe haven" for extropian people to
 discuss fine points WITHIN the context of extropian thought.

QueenMUSE (delurking)
I agree that we should have a safe haven...
Ahh, "extropian thought" ...hmmm.... (thinking)

This parameter of course is not truly definable, unless one is dogmatic, or
espouses a "party line" mentality, which-in-itself, is against extropian
principles... and so many topics ( politics, art, ethics, etc. ) fall into a
pattern of some odd
"debatablity-conundrum". Debating whether it is debate worthy!! ;- )

Even to the point of posters who introduce off topics (music,spiritualty,
business, etc) being chastised for not bein' good little extropians ( "
this the best we can show of our selves", etc etc) usually by people who have
their own agenda and dislike other's POV's. This makes me laugh.

( I remember the recent post about Libertarian & non-Libertarian tranhumanist
vs extorpians, blah blah blah... posters being harrangued back and forth ad
 ; - ) you can't even call it a flame, it's just silly!

However, I agree 100% that posting a quip on an already fully developed
disccusion group list saying (something like)" oh yeah well you guys aren't
doing anythign new, I knew all about this and it's just old hat"
is a waste of anyone's time.

I actually like people who I disagree with, they open my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In fact, I really disagree with many libertarian ideas, but it was curiousity
about *that particular thing* that brought me to Extropy. I made up my mind
to search for libertarians and stumbled on you guys!!
And I have learned a lot here, & hardly any of it about politics!!!!!!!!!! :
) : )

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