RE: Brainpicking: constitutional effects of loyalty mods

From: Billy Brown (
Date: Mon Sep 20 1999 - 14:15:51 MDT

Anders Sandberg wrote:
> Hmm, what about those congresspeople and other officials who can be
> proven not to have come into contact with the infections? (for
> example, a congressman inspecting one of the installations in the
> outer parts of the system or on holiday in a remore habitat). Would it
> be possible to set up some skeleton government using them, or would
> that be unconstitutional?

Do we really know they are safe? For all we know the infiltrators started
out with some such isolated region, then moved on to more densely populated
areas later. That approach would certainly have advantages - having an
area where everyone is under control would give them a place to do illegal
things wihtout having to hide them, which would be handy for lots of

I've run up against this issue in RPGs before, and I've never been able to
find a good solution. Mental privacy and public trust seem to be mutually
exclusive once sophisticated mind control becomes a possibility, but you
need both to make a free society work.

Billy Brown, MCSE+I

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