Re: >H Re: SOC: Continuing genengineering hysteria

From: Brian Manning Delaney (
Date: Sat Sep 18 1999 - 12:10:25 MDT

Chris Fedeli wrote:
> wrote:

>> [It's getting worse. -- GB]

> ...and worse:
> Financial Times 13 Sept 99
> GM foods groups face huge lawsuit
> By Jean Eaglesham, Legal Correspondent
> The world's biggest life science companies
> and grain processors will face a multi-billion
> dollar antitrust action to be launched in up
> to 30 countries later this year.
> The unprecedented lawsuits will claim that
> companies such as Monsanto, DuPont and
> Novartis are exploiting bioengineering techniques
> to gain a stranglehold on agricultural markets.


Hi Chris. How is this "worse," as opposed to an entirely
separate issue: potentially illegal (or deleterious) monopoly

Anything associated with Rifkin is likely to be bad, to be sure,
and _his_ interest in this suit isn't centered on monopoly

Is it, then, that we should put up with monopolies in order to
advance high tech?


Brian Manning Delaney
(No need to CC replies to me.)

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