Re: Mother nature

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Fri Sep 17 1999 - 00:37:45 MDT

Michael S. Lorrey writes:

> Ah, but I included waterfront property as well, and I see you didn't
> take umbrage to the homes of yuppies getting waxed. Who is cold now?

I've been recently reading the "Homes & Land" edition for Malibu
Beach/Beverly Hills just for the amusement value (I like astronomic
numbers). Some of the waterfront property depicted is just so
*obviously* begging for trouble, especially in such fault-infested
areas as L.A. county I wonder it is so sought-after.

I don't think that too many of these folks who have opted for dramatic
views really realize how dramatic this views can get when even a
modest tsunami is heading your way. I think I would get very twitchy
in one of these houses if I actually had to live there.

But those Californians are all crazy, anyway.

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