Re: violence...

From: Skye Howard (
Date: Thu Sep 16 1999 - 23:17:41 MDT

     My apologies for not responding very
quickly-haven't had access to the computer until just
Indeed, a clarification IS in order. "The biological
root of violence" is as good as any other for a
starting point. What I believe I want to find
information on is not the ordinary rough-and-tumble
playground violence, but the type of the sort when too
many rats are in the same cage all at once- another
good point of thought in this discussion.
     I am trying to gather enough information to
formulate a hypothetical "solution" to this sort of
violence- possibly several. The solution should have
some restraints upon it. I'm not particularly fearful
of such a scenario, but the "happy zombies" is not
what I'm aiming at. Depressants that negatively
affect mental clarity would probably be a bad idea.
However, I also want a wide range of solutions,
ranging from the simple to the complex... something I
could put into a list, or table, and present.
Like this (humorous version):
Solution: Effects:
Lobotomy mindless behavior
Prozac Cured some, made some happy enough
                   to get over their depression and
                     bash some skulls
Hypnotherapy Anonymous donations and gifts
                         make hypnotist rich
Kill everybody violence stopped completely
                       after this
Thanksgiving Interspecies violence down a
                      little. Human-turkey violence
                      wayyyyyyyyyyy up.
Sock Puppets Results VERY negative
                     Human-sock violence rising
                     dramatically., something like that. Except with real
information in place of that. I could then see which
of the best solutions are most feasible, and have the
most application on every level, both towards warfare
and towards gang violence or what have you.
     As to whether I mean violence in wars or violence
in the cities, my best answer would be yes:). Though
in some cases it may be violence on the politician's
part. Towards that end, my question would also
extend. How could Hitler go forward with the
Holocaust, for example? How can our world leaders
today go forward with their battles? What causes
people to listen to them? (not part of my question
really, but I had to go for it- I was on a roll,
        Anyway, I appreciate the information I've been
given so far-what interesting turns this thing is
taking! I shall be happy to stay tuned.
                                         Just Skye:)
                                         No Big Quotes
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