Re: MED/NEURO: Human trials of spinal nerve regeneration in ~1 year?

Date: Thu Sep 16 1999 - 06:05:10 MDT

In a message dated 09/16/1999 4:04:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> > Is the French Tern related to the Arctic Tern, only with effete
> > coloration and an odd lilt in its call....???
> > I understand the problem of the smell... those french never use
> > deodorant..
> > ;)
> >
> > Mike Lorrey
> Soap actually.
> Cheers,
> Julian.

Speaking to you all now with a dead sea bird tied to my head (gulls will
never do!), I implore you to realize that this is the wave of the future. Now
I shall hasten to make my witness to the great un-washed multitudes. Beware!
The future has arrived to give you the bird.

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